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Professional ​

My professional qualifications and training:

  • BA degree in Languages and Psychology from Stellenbosch University (SU) 

  • A diploma in teaching (SU)

  • Postgraduate in Editing Methodology (SU)

  • Academic Editing Course at Stellenbosch University (SU)

  • Editing experience of 9 years in various fields: humanities, economics, engineering, education, art, environmental science, agriculture, law, etc;

  • Member of the Professional Editors’ Guild (PEG) of South Africa

  • Attendance and certificates for various editing webinars hosted by PEG yearly


I am a language editor who specialises in

  • academic editing – theses, dissertations, articles for journals; and

  • business editing – newsletters, reports, website copy, etc.

The service I provide is thorough and meticulous. I take pride in my work and I love what I am doing.

   What I do


My editing includes the following:

Checking and correcting your document against the rules for:

  • Language

  • Formality and style

  • Punctuation

  • Structure

  • In-text referencing

  • Clarity and concord – that paragraphs and sentences make sense

  • Consistency

Providing comments on your layout

Making changes in revision marking (Word Track Changes)

Providing a Proof of Editing certificate if needed

 What I do      not do

I do not

  • change your writing ‘voice’ (I do not rewrite your document); 

  • verify the content of your document;

  • check your references; or 

  • check for occurrences of plagiarism (Use Turnitin, or the programme that you are advised to use by your institution).

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